Defensive Driving Facts

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There’s no denying that driving can be dangerous, especially when you or the drivers around you aren’t practicing safe, defensive driving. Motor vehicle accidents are responsible for thousands of fatalities and injuries annually, and in almost every case, human error is to blame. Distracted, drunk, and drowsy driving are especially dangerous — and deadly — habits on the road. Consider these facts that illustrate how dangerous it can be to drive every day — and how important it is that you learn how to drive defensively to predict, manage, and avoid accidents to the best of your abilities.

Driving Can be Fatal

Driving is to blame for thousands of injuries and billions in damage annually, but it’s fatalities on the road that are especially disturbing. These statistics share how dangerous driving mistakes can be.

What Causes Accidents

How do accidents happen? In these statistics, you’ll learn what’s at the root of accidents in the United States, including the most dangerous errors and factors in fatal and non-fatal crashes.

Distracted Driving Statistics

Distracted driving is a national epidemic, particularly among young drivers. A quick bite to eat, text, or photo can turn deadly in an instant — and it’s not worth your or anyone else’s life. Learn about the dangers of distracted driving in these statistics.

Drunk Driving Statistics

It’s hardly news that drunk driving is dangerous, yet thousands of drivers continue to engage in this deadly practice every year. These statistics share the cost of drunk driving, both in life and in dollars.

Learn more about the impact of drunk driving. Heading to the DMV for a permit test? Want to brush up on your skills for free? Try

Drowsy Driving Statistics

Nodding off at the wheel or slogging through traffic while you’re sleepy isn’t a minor annoyance: it’s dangerous and potentially deadly. Find out how fatal — and disturbingly common — drowsy driving is in these statistics.

While there’s not much, you can do to stop impaired, distracted, aggressive, or drowsy drivers. You can do something about the way you drive around them. With a qualified defensive driving course, you can learn how to avoid many of the dangers presented by other drivers — and avoid becoming one of these statistics.